Invited Guest Speakers Registration

New Users:

1.     If you are a new user, click on the arrow next to ‘Login’ and click on the 'Create Account' button;

2.     Fill out the registration details. You will receive an e-mail for your account activation;

3.     Activate your account using the link given in the activation e-mail;

4.     Next, follow the instructions for ‘Existing Users’ to register for the conference.

Existing Users:

1.     Click on ‘Login’ button to the right side of the page;

2.     On the login page, enter your correct login credentials to gain access to the website;

3.     On successful login, click on ‘Register’ on the left column under the 'My Space' section;

4.     The registration page opens with some pre-filled fields. Fill out other required details on the registration page;

5.     Once all the details are filled, click on the ‘Overview' button at the bottom of the page;

6.     Review the details entered and click on the ‘Submit' button at the bottom of the page to submit the registration details.

Online user: 1