Immersion in higher education: where do we stand today?
We are celebrating ten years of immersion at the University of Ottawa. Where do we stand, in Canada and in the world, since the last assessment made in the book “Immersion française à l’université : Politiques et pédagogies”? The Post-Secondary Immersion Research Group (PSIRG) of the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI) is hosting an international symposium entitled ‘Immersion in higher education: Where do we stand today?’. This two day symposium will be a unique occasion for researchers, teachers, students, administrators and all others with an interest in the development of immersion in higher education to gather and share experiences, knowledge and ideas.
In Canada, immersion programs are offered in the second official language of the country. Whereas CLIL is an approach for learning content through a second or foreign language, immersion is an approach for learning a second language through content.
Submission Process: Call for papers; assessment by the symposium scientific committee.
Symposium Scientific Committee:
Hélène Knoerr, University of Ottawa
Alysse Weinberg, University of Ottawa
Catherine Buchanan, University of Ottawa
David Lasagabaster University of the Basque Country
Siv Björklund, University of Vaasa
Gail Taillefer, Universiy of Toulouse
Symposium Details:
Plenaries, round tables and papers – Thursday, May 11 and Friday, May 12 from 8 am to 5:30 pm
Welcoming Reception – Thursday, May 11 at 5:30 pm;