Call for papers



Immersion in higher education :  Where do we stand today?

Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute

University of Ottawa

MAY 11-12, 2017

The call for papers is now closed


In Canada, immersion programs are offered in the second official language of the country. Whereas CLIL is an approach for learning content through a second or foreign language, immersion is an approach for learning a second language through content.

The Post-Secondary Immersion Research Group (PSIRG) of the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI) is hosting an international conference entitled, "Immersion in higher education :  where do we stand today?"
This two day conference will be a unique occasion for researchers, teachers, students, administrators and all others with an interest in the development of immersion in higher education to gather and share experiences, knowledge and ideas.

Roundtables and presentations will provide forums for in-depth discussions of the conference themes and will facilitate exchanges between guest speakers, presenters and participants. The conference will be on the University of Ottawa's bilingual ( English-French) campus, in Canada’s national capital.

We invite you to send your proposals on the following topics:

  1. Language policies and language planning for immersion;
  2. Immersion programs stakeholders: administrators, language instructors, content instructors and students;
  3. Immersion programs and models;
  4. Assessment and evaluation for immersion in higher education.

20 minute presentations will be followed by a 10 minute period for questions and discussion.

Proposals will be accepted until December 15, 2016.

For more information visit the OLBI website :

Conference chairs are Hélène Knoerr, Alysse Weinberg and Catherine Buchanan


Please note that in order to submit your proposals, you must create an account.

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